Sunday, March 18, 2007

Use Your Talents!

Every individual must identify their own unique talent. This is something that we all take for granted. Often you will hear someone saying that they do not have talent. Personally, I disagree. We often overlook our talents.

My story goes like this...In elementary school, my family gave me a computer for Christmas. It was a Commodore Vic 20 and far before the personal computing era. I would spend hours typing in the Basic programs from the manual to create the simple video games. Eventually, I wrote my own programs. My first program was a BlackJack game. This may not sound special to someone in the computing field. The program consisted of random number generation and simple math. The special part was that I was in third grade.

In college, my first major was Engineering. Engineering was not the discipline that I expected. I am a free, creative thinker. I changed my major to Mathematics and landed a job into computing. I now work as a Software Developer. This all started one Christmas many years ago and I thank my family for fostering my development.

In life, we simply have to put together the pieces.

I have spent this weekend finalizing the new website. I have approached this project as though it was a formal project. I have put forth the same dedication and effort that I give when I perform at work. It takes this level of dedication and I readily admit that I recently adopted this approach.

The results are truly amazing!

Cackalak Clothing Company

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